Solar powered brewery
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Solar powered brewery

Shining Bright: The Brewhouse Goes Solar! ☀️

Last month marked a significant milestone for us at The Brewhouse – the completion of our solar power system installation! With a gleaming array of 44 panels, our 19.36kW solar system is set to make a powerful impact on both our environmental footprint and electricity expenses.

Key System Details:

This state-of-the-art solar setup is expected to produce approximately 29,000kWh annually. That's not just a number; it's a commitment to a greener future and a substantial reduction in our carbon footprint.

Environmental Impact:

For the eco-conscious among us, here's a glimpse of the difference our solar system will make:

- 🌲 Equivalent to planting over 520 trees each year

- ⛽️ Comparable to saving more than 8,600 liters of petrol annually

- 🪨 Represents avoiding the burning of almost 10 tonnes of coal each year

Saving for a Sustainable Tomorrow:

While the environmental benefits are undoubtedly exciting, the real thrill comes from the substantial savings on our electricity bills. By harnessing the power of the sun, we're not only contributing to a cleaner planet but also ensuring a brighter and more sustainable future for The Brewhouse.

As we switch on our solar-powered journey, we invite you to join us in toasting to a future where every sip at The Brewhouse comes with a side of sunshine! Stay tuned for more updates on our sustainable initiatives and the positive impact we're making, one solar panel at a time. 💚🍻

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